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The preparations of this site are given for information, in case of doubt consult your doctor.

Infusion of pasque flower, 15 g of dried leaves and flowers in powder for 1 liter of boiling water, let infuse 15 minutes, filter; 2 large cups in 2 hours.
Infusion of mugwort, 10 g of dried flowered tops for 1 liter of boiling water, let infuse 10 minutes; 1 cup.
Infusion of borage, 30 g of flowers for 1 liter of boiling water, let infuse 10 minutes; 1 cup.
decoction of evergreen boxwood, 25 g of dried leaves for 1 liter of water, boil 20 minutes, filter, sweeten, drink in 2 times.
Infusion of grande roman camomile, 20 g of dried flowers for 1 liter of boiling water, let infuse 10 minutes ; 1 cup, then another later.
Infusion of centaury 20 g of flowerd tops for 1 liter of boiling water, let infuse 10 minutes; 2 cups a day.
Infusion of blessed thistle, 30 g of flowered tops and leaves, for 1 liter of boiling water, let infuse 10 minutes, filter; 3 cups a day.
Infusion of eucalyptus, 25 g of dried leaves for 1 liter of boiling water, let infuse 15 minutes; 4 cups a day.
decoction of beech, 50 g of dried crushed bark, for 1 liter of water, let it gently boil 15 minutes, filter; 2 cups in 2 hours.
decoction of lilac, 50 g of dried flowers for 1 liter of water, boil 5 minutes, filter immediatly; drink some glasses in the course of the day.
decoction of chestnut tree, 15 g of dried bark for 1 liter of water, boil 10 minutes, filter; 2 liquor glasses a day. This preparation preserves its effectiveness several days if it is kept out of well stopped bottle.
infusion of white horehound, 40 g of flowered tops ommités for 1 liter of boiling water, let infuse, cool, filter; quantity for 1 day.
decoction of hazel, 25 g of young branches bark, for 1 liter of water, boil 10 minutes, let infuse 10 minutes; 1 cup.
decoction : of poplar, of aspen poplar, 20 g of écorce for 1 liter of water, boil 20 minutes, passer; 2 cups a day.
infusion of vervain, 20 g of plant for 1 liter of boiling water, let infuse 10 minutes: 3 cups a day.


Infusion of orange, cut into pieces in a bowl a whole fruit with the skin, to pour a soup spoon of sugar and 400 g of boiling water, let macerate while crushing; to drink cold.


Some medicinal wines for fever :

Wine of alder, let soak 10 days, 15 g of dried crushed bark, in 1 liter of white wine, filter; to take 6 soup spoons per day.
Wine of english holly, let soak 1 weeks, 25 g of english holly leaves fraîches hachées in 1 ofmi-verre of alcohol à 60°, puis ajouter 1 cup of white wine et laisser encore 1 semaine, passer: 6 cuillers a soupe a day. en 3 fois.
Wine of willow, let soak 2 weeks, 40 g of dried crushed bark in 1 liter of red wine, filter ; 2 small glasses a day.


Preparations to keep in reserve :

Tincture of sunflower, let soak 10 days, 5 g of dried leaves in 50 g of alcohol 60%, filter, preserve in a bottle of coloured glass ; 20 drops in a glass of water and again after 3 hours if necessary.


A coffee spoon of honey in which one mix 2 g of wormwood powder or 2 g of bogbean dried leaves.


Decoction of gentian, white horehound, centaury, quinquina, couch-grass 5 g of mixture, 5 cups a day.


Decoction of lilac, buchu, centaury, germander, mouse ear, quinquina, willow, blessed thistle, burdock, gentian, english holly : 5 g of mixture per cup, 4 cups a day.

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Preparations of this site are given for information, in case of doubt consult your doctor.