(Rhamnus frangula)

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Fresh Alder buckthorn is toxic, but one can use it after it has been dried for one year.
European plant except in mediterranean area from 1 to 5 m of which one uses dried bark which has been stored at leat one year before its consumption.

Dryed alder buckthorn bark is especially used as laxative and purgative.
Also : Biliary insufficiency, obesity.
In external use : Scabies, tinea, wounds.

Decoction : 3 g for one cup as a laxative.

Decoction : 6 g for one cup as a purgative.

Two handfuls in one liter of water, boil 15 minutes, in external use against skin ulcers.

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Frangula alnus, syn. Rhamnus frangula, Alder Buckthorn